The Author
Yes, I'm a real dog!
And my mommy is a real person who helps me do all of this, though books and blogs and drawings weren't how it all started.
My parents found me curled up into a scared ball of fur in the corner of a cage at the local pound. Though I couldn't tell them what had happened to me, the markings on my body helped them see that someone had tried to use me in terrible ways. I didn't move from the corner of that cage when I saw my parents, but the white tip of my tail wiggled like a flag at my daddy asking him to rescue me. And my parents did just that.
For the first three months in this new place called home, I hid behind the sofa... too scared to come out. But my mommy and daddy never gave up on me. With a lot of patience and love, they helped me realize that I was safe, that I was important, and that God made even me.
That's how "Even on the Moon" came to be - a story about how we can't hide from God no matter all the places we try, because we are His creation.
That's an overwhelming truth , and sometimes we need to soak it in for a moment. I did that a lot the first few weeks home found me. Sometimes I would just plopped myself right on top of mommy's Bible and soak in that rest for my soul, just like Jesus promised (Mt 11:29).
A short time later, "Even in the Storm" came out of our paws to remind me that God's love is always with me no matter the circumstances, and from there...
Well, from there, we are here - at alittlecupofchai.
But mommy and I are just a pencil and a paintbrush in the hands of the sole Author of the pages of your life and of ours - that Heavenly God of ours. So, if anything penned through our paws touches your heart, makes you laugh, or sprinkles a bit of hope into your world, it's because the real Author is behind it all. He just lets us be participants in His handiwork.
We hope you find a word (or a few) here to warm your heart as much as the cozy blanket you'll want to curl up in for the read. May the pages inspire you with the morsels of His hope and delight you with a smile (or two), and we thank you for stopping by.
~ the Author and the pencil with the paintbrush